January 24, 2010

Take Up Your Position

Oh what a fabulously beautiful, wonderful, great morning I had this morning. My spirit was on a high today, as I got up taking charge of my day telling myself it is going to be a good, no GREAT week for a GREAT LIFE!!!! No blues were allowed to rise with me. The only blue I allowed was in the blueberries in the pancakes I made my husband and me for breakfast.

What matters? Positioning you for a GREAT LIFE

Everybody has something that gives their spirit a lift and to get them going. Yours may be a cup of joe or the wii, but for me, I first kick off my day with God , devotions and conversation about life matters.

This morning I focused on 2 Chronicles 20, for not just me but sisters who I know are struggling with what to do when we're in a battle or feeling hopeless.  We all get hit with one every now and then. Some of you might be talking back  to this blog saying, LiveSisterLive, my life is a struggle every day or I am in a battle right now or in this moment. Read on sister, I have something for you too.

What I loved about today's Word  is a verse from 2 Chronicles 20:17: Take up your position, stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you. I found myself thinking, "ready, aim and in position."

Whatever you believe, you also have to decide what you’re for,  be in position and ready for anything you want to happen in your life. You also have to be unmoveable, see what you want, aim  for it and go for it.

7 ways I  Spiritually Position Me to Get A Handle On a Struggle with A Life Matter:

- I stand before God and keep my eyes on Him

- I trust that no matter what I’m going through God will fight my battle if I let Him

- I try to stay encouraged no matter how large the problem seems

- I remind myself that what matters most is that God has all the power, will grant me success and give me what others may try to withhold from me

- I praise God for what He has already done and how he has kept me

- I thank God for what He is doing that I can’t even see

- I know that what concern me matters to God!

Other practical  actions I put in place to overcome a struggle in me or outside of me:

- I talk to a friend and rely on my support systems
- I walk, and I need to keep exercising
- I practice deep breathing
- I go get a massage on occasion
- I consider and analyze the situation to figure out the  best route to a solution
- I explore all my options and other resources

I am Aiming for my goals and  in Position and Ready for all the Great Things coming my way…Are you in position for you and to take on every one of your life matters?

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