She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. -- Barbara Alpert
What matters? Every woman deserves someone in her life who will accept her as she is and see what she can become.
Oprah may have Gayle, but I have my sisters and sisterfriends.
Who wants to go through life without that good heart to heart, woman to woman, deep down soul searching conversation? Remember Whoopie Goldberg and Angela Bassett's friendship in Stella Got Her Groove? Who doesn't want a good sisterfriend who will walk alongside you sharing the most important moments of your lifetime? Remember the Joyluck Club, Dream Girls, Waiting to Exhale, My Sister's Keeper and shall I continue and name every movie that centered on sisters or women and our friendships?
We all need the sister in our life who can reach emotional levels at the same height as ours, go toe to toe with us , even stop speaking to us and then love us again like nothing ever happened. We all need a sister who will sit in the audience of our life cheering us on no matter what's going on. Yes, we need someone whose sleeve or dress will be our kleenex when there are no tissues to be found or a day when we feel like we can no longer hold on.
My sisters and sisterfriends see all my possibilities and what I can't see in me. They also discover what I have not yet discovered in me. On what I call my bad days, they don't see ugly when my hair's uncombed, there's a run in my hose, or I'm dressed down. They laugh with me, pray with me, cry with me and pull for me. They accept our diversity and allow for our differences.
If you don't have one, get one or forgive one. A good sister and/or sisterfriend will do your life good and even balance you out. Mine are the soundboard of my life, at times hitting me up with the truth, even when I don't want it. They are great turn signals, too, directing me to turn left when right is not the best way to steer what's driving me.
Amen My Sisterfriend!