What matters? We've forgotten to create a "My day" for us. Women are still supersizing ourselves with no space for rest. We're superwomen, supersisters, supermoms, superwives, superdaughters, superworkers, superlovers, supersisters, supergivers, supersiblings and have superlifestyles. Yet, we wonder why we're tired!
Sunday was supposed to be a day of rest, but has become the pre-work day. I'm still up for other reasons, but my mind is on fast forward thinking about tomorrow. I hit my mind's pause button. It feels good. I've decided I'm giving the remainder of the day a rest and sticking to my one day at a time plan.
I look at the calendar and determined to not fall into the trap of the 78% who set resolutions and then fail them. I will not play with resolutions on New Year's, vacation days or any holidays, before starting back to work.
One foot is in front of me and one goal at a time too. Going to make this God's goals day and only think about how great the life is that He has give to me. Going to live life at rest, meditate on the Word, eat some chocolate (dark because it's healthy), and watch a movie on lifetime for no other reason than to be still and relax.
I hope that every women reading this will live life today like it matters for her, and it just might make a difference in her day.
Count what's good in your life and what really matters. Right now what matters to me is a good night's sleep, but I am grateful for the man I call my wonderful husband who wonders some days if I'm a social media addict (Can I help it if I love information? Afterall, I am the one who read the yellow pages as a kid).
Goodnight and Good Morning to every sister around the world. Have A One Day Plan today and please, get some rest and focus on only what matters!
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