January 2, 2010

Don't Quit Resolution Makers! Have A Plan & Keep Your Goal list Short.

Went to a workshop on Jumpstarting your goals in 2010.  I took lots of notes but speaker Cheryl Martin helped to remind me that a lot of us, including me, are always jumpstarting our goals but getting no further then writing them down. "Focus" she charges us. She's right. Just like a car, once you get that jumpstart you have got to keep moving and keep your eye on where you're going.

I have made so many promises each year about what I'm going to do and many fall by the way side.

A research study reported by the Guardian stated that :"Of the 78% who failed, many had focused on the downside of not achieving the goals; they had suppressed their cravings, fantasized about being successful, and adopted a role model or relied on willpower alone."  The authors of the study found that those who focus on single goal  with a plan have more success.

This year, I'm keeping it real, getting out of the do too much, supersize my goals mentality, and break my goals down into something more managable.  My goals are going to be focused on one at a time and one day at a time. Even the Bible talks about "tomorrow has enough troubles of its own."  I think more than three goals are too much trouble for me.

Today only, I'm going to just concentrate on the goal of reorganizing home and staying focused on writing.  If I start thinking about too much, I'll be into going back to work on Monday and it's only Saturday. 

Thank you that today is Saturday, and one day at a time is working for me. I have already met my goal to attend a great workshop, do my social media updates, and now finish the organizing.

After that, I'm going to sit back, relax and  an enjoy the living and have a great dinner with my hubby.


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